The Smales Farm story starts in 1879, when Henry Smale emigrated from Cornwall and settled on Auckland’s North Shore.
In 1928, Henry's grandson William Henry (Bill) Smale, took over a quarry on the corner of Northcote and Taharoto Roads from his father-in-law Henry Hopper Adams. Later, in 1944, Bill bought the nearby land that became known as Smales Farm.
Along with the original quarry, Bill's sons Jim and Geoff Smale then ran the Smales Farm site as a stock and dairy farm until their retirement at the ages of 90 and 80 years. In the 1990’s a new generation - Greg, Chris and Bill Smale took over the running of the two sites. Together they helped form the first Board of Directors which shaped the original vision for the transformation of Smales Farm as it’s known today.